Victim's Rights Project
If you’ve been the victim of a violent crime, you may be experiencing some level of emotional or physical stress, financial difficulty or legal challenges – at the same time you’re trying to navigate a complex and confusing criminal justice system.
The New Mexico Victims’ Rights Project is here to provide answers, guidance and support so you can exercise the rights to which you are legally entitled, and help you find available resources and information you’ll need.
By its very nature being the victim of a violent crime can leave you feeling vulnerable, helpless and powerless. It can be a time of deep confusion and intense frustration, especially when dealing with the unfamiliar and time-consuming, like lawyers and the criminal justice system.
All while trying to recover from the event itself and put your life back together.
The New Mexico Victims’ Rights Project offers practical, real-world solutions to the personal, legal, financial and judicial challenges you may be facing, served with a welcome dose of empathy and understanding.
We know the criminal justice system. We know what rights victims are entitled to under New Mexico State law. We know what to do, where to go and how to ensure your rights. We know the personal, legal and financial support systems and resources available to you and how best to access them.
We’re your road map, compass and GPS unit for navigating one of the most difficult periods of your life. More than that we’re a personal guide that not only points you in the right direction,but helps make sure you arrive there.